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Archive for February 12th, 2016


Contractually Required Blogpost

Well, I was hoping to present some stats about subject line lengths over the centuries, but this Python program seems to have a very conservative estimate of how many emails I wrote from 2001-2007. I’ll look at the code again tomorrow.

I just established with Ada and Milo’s help that modern American children know the “Baby Bumblebee” song. I wonder what it used to take for kids’ songs to cross continents (I didn’t learn this song in the UK)? I wonder if it’s easier now?

While I’m talking about old standbys, how Sesame Street successfully battled the gods of ancient Egypt for the soul of a small child is once again doing the rounds: Against Big Bird, The Gods Themselves Contend In Vain.


petit disclaimer:
My employer has enough opinions of its own, without having to have mine too.