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who would you like to talk against palladium?

I’ve let this lie fallow for far too long, but perhaps RSS feeds mean that not watering a blog doesn’t mean that it dies beyond recovery.

Aaanyway, the BBC is looking for someone to stand up against the boys from Microsoft and Intel when they explain how great Palladium and LaGrande will be for consumers, producers, and – oh, but who else could there be? It’s for a TV interview in the UK next week, and they’ve already asked Alan Cox and Ross Anderson. I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head, which is generally an indication that I’m being dense. Do you know someone? Are you that someone? Let me know, and I’ll mail the BBC.

Hooray for the Lazyweb!

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petit disclaimer:
My employer has enough opinions of its own, without having to have mine too.