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What happens when Douglas Adam’s old H2G2 codebase meets some of the geeks who did FaxYourMP meets the BBC looking for a wider remit in the 21st century?

iCan is a new BBC service which aims to help people start doing something about issues in their life. You can find advice, inspiration, and a growing number of people able to help you.

It’s all still in beta right now, but the plan appears to be to have it as – oh, I don’t know – a friendster for UK people who want a bit of activism in their lives? Right now it’s a bit empty, but worth wandering around and registering. At the very least you can dig up info on your local politicians, start sketching out the list of concerns, and even create a campaignof your own.

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petit disclaimer:
My employer has enough opinions of its own, without having to have mine too.