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a man slumped on his desk, from 'The Sleep of Reason Produces




Here’s the piece on public, private, and secret, translated into Hebrew by a Israeli net magazine. I gave it to them under the Creative Commons attribution-sharealike license. They had the good sense to lop off the foo-orlowski bit at the beginning. If you too want to reproduce it in a more sensible form, you should merely re-translate it into your language of choice, stick the by-sa license on it, and away you go.

Actually if any Hebrew speakers can check that I haven’t been made to say “Oh, and while we’re talking of private, check out this semi-naked chick’s picture, fwoaaar” or other such translator’s liberties, that’d be great.

In other news, Ada’s lead test came back as 3.25µg/dL. Which is okay. Not the lowest, but lower than the average for Ontario and Massachusetts, so she’ll be smarter than those idiots for sure. Of course, she’s only begun to start licking the walls, guzzling the bathwater and eating the garden, so we’ll be keeping an eye on it.

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petit disclaimer:
My employer has enough opinions of its own, without having to have mine too.