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reachability on the edge

I realise that I left everybody on tenterhooks in that last post about why NAT and the unreliability of most consumer-quality endlinks. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for my poorly-thought-out flailings so long. In my defense, my dreams have become far too weird to document here. Suffice to say they have included a dream that was half about falling in love in your mid-twenties, and half about being a prominent insect collector, and one stormer of a revery in which I dreamt that I was writing one of these blog entries about dreams. How self-referential can you get? As self-referential as this paragraph, is the answer.

Anyway, one of the problems with the edge is that these days it is largely behind NATs and unreachable for incoming connections. Usually we get around this by using ICE, STUN, and other horrendous hacks that you don’t want to stare at too long. But is this a problem these days? I think not for a couple of reasons.

Yeah, but what about availability? Aren’t consumer last-mile connections prone to zzzzzzzt NO CARRIER?

Tomorrow! I promise!

(If you enjoy these sorts of discussions, but wish it was a little less one-sided, let me here point you to Zooko’s vintage-yet-riproaring P2P-hackers list, where you can learn from people who actually understand these things.

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petit disclaimer:
My employer has enough opinions of its own, without having to have mine too.