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… and then there’s root access for the G1

Jake uncovered it, and as he says, it’s almost stupidly easy. Curious to see if this gives you access to the bootloader firmware, and if so, whether you can alter it to allow non-signed kernels. Exciting! Should-be-unnecessary!

3 Responses to “… and then there’s root access for the G1”

  1. Benjamin Mako Hill Says:

    So good to hear about this.

  2. James Says:

    It’s worth pointing out that the reason this works is the root shell listening on the console(!)

  3. Glyn Says:

    Debian & Android Together on G1

    This does not replace Android. This also gives you access to the full plethora of programs available in Debian and let’s you continue using your phone as it was intended to be: as an Android device with all the capabilities thereof. I think that gives you every thing you where asking for. :)


petit disclaimer:
My employer has enough opinions of its own, without having to have mine too.