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a man slumped on his desk, from 'The Sleep of Reason Produces



audio evil – now with visual evil

IT Conversations has put my OSCON To Evil! keynote from last year up, which is really nice of them. Just so you get all the jokes, here are the To Evil! slides that went along with it. I guess I’ll just have to pray the Lazyweb will write something to synchronise the two. The presentation uses huge uncompressed images, and ingenious S5 presentation javascript magic. About five minutes before the talk I tried to make the standard S5 CSS a little more evil; I’m absolutely sure I succeeded.

In other news, you have no idea how proud I am that the Web2.0 Bullshit Generator uses “life-hacks” as one of the keywords. I’ll be a footnote to history yet!

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petit disclaimer:
My employer has enough opinions of its own, without having to have mine too.