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a man slumped on his desk, from 'The Sleep of Reason Produces



widely-held secrets

Hello, computer. This week I am spilling secrets (well, not really secrets, just not entirely known things) by public speaking in semi-private places. Untangle that if you can.

On Thursday, I’m giving a brownbag talk at Google, so if you know how to break into that organization’s campus, I’ll be answering questions there on EFFish topics. Want me to talk about EFFish topics at your company?Mail me.

On Saturday, I’ll be in San Francisco being one of Charles Enders’ caged and greased bikini-clad literateurs with machine guns at Writers With Drinks, where I will spend ten minutes reading a piece called Confessions of a Self-Help Guru. And after that, I will be at NerdSalon getting very, very drunk.

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petit disclaimer:
My employer has enough opinions of its own, without having to have mine too.