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war zoning out

Well, I wasn’t wrong about it being a bit noisy outside: six people have been shot in the current gang violence in the Mission this week. It’s latino gangs and Hell’s Angels, apparently. They should fly some mods and rockers over.

I wonder if in fifty years, there’ll be historical Surenos re-enactment societies? Maybe that’s what West Side Story was.

I’m punch-drunk from coding to a rather dumb self-imposed deadline. Still, thank you, Arthur Koziel, for this tip about creating administrative users when you start a database from scratch in Django. I’ve been doing a lot of that, reinventing my databases. One of the wonders of these modern, whipper-snapper frameworks is that you don’t just refactor your code — you refactor your database schema too. Thank god, too: SQL has always filled me with the heebie-jeebies, while I’ve been slowly finding myself become more OOPish as life goes on. I’m such a fan of refactoring, because I so badly need it: I’m a veery slow coder, and a scattergun debugger, which both combine to leave me with a tendency to hack solutions under time pressure. Just putting in enough support to do real refactoring at least lets me tidy up my code a little before anyone else sees it.

I’m really, really, enjoying Django, though. They were wise to keep it cooking for so long before 1.0: there’s so much there (like the test fixtures and contenttypes) which you find yourself reaching for before you even know they’re there. The documentation is great, but I’m also enjoying the general pedagological bent of its supporters and their wider group of companions. If you’re somebody who is thinking about playing with these frameworks, you could do worse than check out the videos on Show Me Do, the Bollywood of screencasting python tutorials.

Okay, on that slightly hallucinatory note, I’ll grab some sleep.

2 Responses to “war zoning out”

  1. Brian Says:

    Christ, still stuck on Python? Why don’t you learn Ruby?

  2. Danny O'Brien Says:

    I learnt it, and loved it. But as I’ve explained before, I decided in the end to just *choose* one language and stick to it.


petit disclaimer:
My employer has enough opinions of its own, without having to have mine too.