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Archive for October 22nd, 2008


uni-tasking; hats; bad writing, coming soon

If there’s one thing in my queue that I’m absolutely dreading doing, I tend to clatter to a halt for days while I steadfastly refuse to do it. I’ve had one of those for the last few days, and finally somehow tricked my subconscious to actually finish it (which took all of five minutes).

The funny thing is that when I have a few things on the boil, this seems to happen less often. I’ve certainly noticed that since blogging dropped off my daily schedule, I’ve found it harder to get other matters done quite so punctually.

Clearly, I need more distractions. So, I’m going to start up blogging again, and then I’m going to double-down and try this year’s nanowrimo. There’s five other people in the office having a go, so we’ll have some camaraderie.

My last attempt was a terrifically gloomy science fiction novel in a future where libertarian cryptopunks (a recurring theme, no?) have suffered a catastrophic collapse in their plucky sea-based micronation, and now have to survive, gypsy/ashkenazi like in a puritanically zero-privacy secular environment.

It was fun to write, but absolutely no fun to read. I hope to reverse that equation this November, when I’ll be adopting the most potentially humiliating possible literary form ever mishandled by amateurs: the contemporary satire. Don’t ask me why. I have also been insulting petty bureacrats of late. I have been seen wearing a hat and some bright colours. My bourgeoisie instincts are failing me. I smell an imminently awful turn of events.


petit disclaimer:
My employer has enough opinions of its own, without having to have mine too.